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How I got Tickets To Big Bang Theory

I don't watch much television, but I've been watching the Big Bang Theory show for years.  I love it because I can empathize with several attributes of the characters and it reminded me of several childhood encounters with my geeky friends.  I though I had found my show, but it turns out that nearly 15 million watch this this top rated CBS show.

For the past couple years, I've been trying to get tickets to see a live taping at Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank.  The TVTickets website provides audience tickets to the Big Bang Theory taping, but they are not showing because they are "sold out".  The website states:
The show schedule and this order form automatically update by 8:30am (M-F Los Angeles time) to display shows scheduled for the next 30 days. Shows/dates that are "sold out" or are more than 30 days from today will not be included in the drop box.
So I've been repetitively checking the website.  After a while, I relegated to fact that I'd only see the  be able to see the TV that the rescinded to the fact that I'd never

  I've been checking routinely, but after two unsuccessful seasons, I decided to kick things up a notch by creating a HTTP monitor for the website. I configured it to look for the keyword "Bang" on the webpage, which would only appear if the show has available time slots for ticket reservations.  I first set this up as a wget script, with an email notification and attached it as a cron job.  The email notification was potentially unstable due to DNS failures and slowness.  So I decided to use dotcom monitor which has a feature to send a text message.

There were a few false alerts when the TVTickets site was down or unreachable.  Anyway, after a few months, it finally triggered!

Attending the filming today!


Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Too easy to resist get big bang tickets for $5.
web lol said…
kul post

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