Should your SQL server need to be decommission, it will be necessary to move the databases.
Two method: backup or detach.
Backing up requires an intermediate BAK file, so I prefer the detach method.
1) Shrink the datafile. You can truncate the log by:
3) Detach
5) On the new server attach the database:
To compliment step 6, you can determine which logins need repair by running a discrepancy check:
Two method: backup or detach.
Backing up requires an intermediate BAK file, so I prefer the detach method.
1) Shrink the datafile. You can truncate the log by:
BACKUP LOG dbname WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY2) Then use the GUI to shrink the log file, or if you know the log file name use: dbcc shrinkfile (file_name)
3) Detach
sp_detach_db 'dbname'4) Copy the database to the new server
5) On the new server attach the database:
sp_attach_db 'dbname','D:\Sqldata\mydbdata.mdf','L:\Sqllog\mydblog.ldf'6) Repair/fix SQL logins. If new server already has the same named logins, use the below command:
EXEC sp_change_users_login 'auto_fix', ''
To compliment step 6, you can determine which logins need repair by running a discrepancy check:
select 'EXEC sp_change_users_login ''auto_fix'', ''' + name + ''''
from sysusers su
where hasdbAccess = 1
and not exists ( SELECT 1 FROM master..syslogins sl WHERE su.sid = sl.sid )